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Anya know, Glosbe dictionary


    Custodia — Sr. Five years later on July 20, started her Postulancy and in the following year on January 20, she began her novitiate.

    Джизирак терпеливо улыбнулся: Шут мило пошутил, что, собственно, от не го и ожидалось. Я уже рассказал ему -- что. Он знает, что за Диаспара нет ничего, кроме пустыни.

    Her first profession was on January 21, and on January 21, she professed her final vows. Tecla was known as a joyful and servant person.

    Усыпальница была пуста. В эти же самые секунды Олвин и Хедрон находились метрах в тридцати пол поверхностью земли -- в тесной, напоминающей ящик клетушке, стенки которой, казалось, струились вверх. Это было единственным признаком того, что она движется.

    From toSr. Tecla shared her life and ministry with the community at the São José Hospital, where she was responsible for the laundry of the hospital.

    Tecla also dedicated time and studies to take care and promote the health of children in the Pastoral da Criança. In Brazil, Pastoral da Criança is a very important pastoral which helps children who suffer of malnutrition from pregnancy to six years old, including care for the mother.

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    Tecla worked in the Pastoral da Criança in promoting integral life of children and their families. With the age of 43, she discovered a cancer — a malignant lymphocytic lymphoma — with metastasis in the lungs and other parts of her body.

    Mielőtt felmerül bennetek a kérdés. Az a kép. Én voltam. Akkor még nem voltam odáig a fiúkért, de azért látszik hogy legbelül mindig is született 1D fan voltam.

    Maria Helena Arns, the local leader of her community called Sr. Tecla and said: Anya know case is very grave, pray the novena of Mother Theresa and wear this relic with faith. Mother Theresa needs to do a miracle.

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    Tecla with deep faith in God and her devotion in Mother Theresa prayed trusting in God merciful love and believing the interception of Mother Theresa. Tecla had surgery and chemotherapy, but not all was finished. She had to have another surgery for a giant follicular lymphoma in on leg.

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    Tecla comments in her personal history. Even though, she had to go through surgeries, chemotherapy and other trials Sr. Tecla never abandoned her faith and confidence in God and in Mother Theresa.

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    The years after she was missioned to different communities, marked by a simple life style, servant, caring for vegetable and flower gardens. A woman of a positive presence in the community and among people with whom she worked school, catechesis. The last years of her life, Sr. Some of her remarkable words are: Looking at my life, I am enchanted how God has an extraordinary love for his creatures.

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    I am very grateful to God for the grace of vocation and faithfulness that is a gift from Him. Contemplating my personal katolikus özvegy helyszíni találkozón and remembering the places where I was I only can sing a hymn of thanksgiving. To all the persons that I met before and after the miracle, I ask you to forgive me for not being witness. I know that I am a clay difficult mold.

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    I ask you to pray for anya know. I am not worth for the grace of the miracle that god did in my life. The actions of God are not to be explained, they are to be contemplated and accepted with faith.

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    I live a message of love to all persons who knew me, to all who leaved and still leave with me and those who I met… Sr. Translated by Sr. Tecla received.

    She was well and anya know witnessing this grace in her life.

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